    Contract damages: key principles and the latest High Court decisions

    Jeffrey Goldberger, Special Counsel, Norton Rose Fulbright
    Sarah Hill, 4 Selborne Chambers (Chair)

    Recorded at the NSW State Library in November 2024

Contract damages: key principles and the latest High Court decisions

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    Advocacy in mediation

    John McKenna KC, 16 Quay Central Chambers, Brisbane
    Ben Whitten, Hemmant’s List, Brisbane (Chair)

    Recorded at The Hemmant’s List Centre, Brisbane in October 2024

    The seminar covers:
    • How to prepare a strategy for mediation
    • How to use advocacy to support the strategy
    • How to use advocacy to support the mediator
    • Some effective advocacy techniques
    • Some pitfalls to avoid

Advocacy in mediation

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    Identifying and complying with fiduciary duties in the financial sector

    Hon Justice Ashley Black, Supreme Court of NSW; Associate Professor Scott Donald, School of Private and Commercial Law, UNSW Law & Justice; Professor Simone Degeling, School of Private and Commercial Law, UNSW Law & Justice; Professor Dimity Kingsford Smith, UNSW; Sarah Yu, Partner, King Wood Mallesons; Joanna Bird, Regulatory Consultant; Sarah Hill, 4 Selborne Chambers (Chair)

    Recorded at the NSW State Library during September 2024

    Session one:
    Keynote address
    Hon Justice Ashley Black, Supreme Court of NSW
    Fiduciary duties in the financial sector

    Session two:
    Variations on a theme, or a melodic scale?
    Customer-regarding duties in the Australian financial services sector
    Associate Professor Scott Donald, School of Private and Commercial Law, UNSW
    Law & Justice
    Parliament has repeatedly sought over the past three decades to give statutory protection to customers of the financial services industry using terminology or concepts that have echoes in equitable doctrine. This paper considers the superannuation, financial advice, investment funds, consumer credit and life insurance regimes in particular. It argues that they can be arrayed across a spectrum spanning from caveat emptor at one extreme to something beyond fiduciary obligation at the other. The paper further argues that each regime’s place on the spectrum represents a normative judgment that has emerged from intense contestation in the reform process about the extent of personal responsibility that customers ought to take in different circumstances. Finally, the paper identifies the complexity arising in more recent times from regulatory initiatives (including licensing and FAR) that create additional, but not wholly harmonious, layers of  obligation for market participants.

    Session three:
    Financial sector and fiduciaries panel discussion focussing on:
    • Compliance
    • Enforcement
    • Remediation
    Professor Simone Degeling, School of Private and Commercial Law, UNSW Law & Justice (Panel Chair) Professor Dimity Kingsford Smith, School of Private and Commercial Law, UNSW Law & Justice Sarah Yu, Partner, King & Wood Mallesons Joanna Bird, Regulatory Consultant and Adjunct Professor, School of Private and Commercial Law, UNSW Law & Justice

Identifying and complying with fiduciary duties in the financial sector

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    Beyond the trends: charting the future of class actions

    Vicky Antzoulatos, Joint Head of Class Actions, Shine Lawyers (Chair); Craig Allsopp, Joint Head of Class Actions, Shine Lawyers; Hon Justice Michael Lee, Federal Court of Australia; Zoe Hillman, Alinea Chambers; Julian Sexton SC, Tenth Floor Chambers; Kione Johnson, Practice Leader, Shine Lawyers; Lina Kolomoitseva, Senior Investment Manager, Litigation Capital Management (LCM); Amanda Beattie, Partner, Wotton & Kearney; Kirsten Smith, Portfolio Manager (Australia), Senior Investment Manager, Omni Bridgeway; Alex Morris, Partner, King Wood Mallesons; Michael Hodge KC, Omnia Chambers; Jonathan Wertheim, Practice Leader, Shine Lawyers; John Walker, Chair, CASL Management; Greg Coleman, Senior Partner, Milberg, USA.

    Recorded at the NSW State Library during August, 2024

    Hon Justice Michael Lee, keynote address:
    Lessons drawn from large cases — case management and dealing with opinion evidence

    Panel discussion:
    Mass tort class actions in Australia

    Panel discussion:
    Class actions: where to from here?

    International developments and trends in class action litigation
    Greg Coleman, Milberg, USA

Beyond the trends: charting the future of class actions

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    The ethics and legality of conferring with another party’s expert

    Geoffrey Diehm KC, Hemmant’s List, Brisbane
    William Isdale, Hemmant’s List, Brisbane
    Ben Whitten, Hemmant’s List Brisbane (Chair)

    Recorded at the Hemmant’s List Centre, Brisbane, during August 2024

    In the context of civil litigation, it it legal — and ethical — to confer with another party's expert witness? Or does an expert owe duties — such as fiduciary duties — to the party retaining them that would preclude this? In this seminar, Geoffrey Diehm KC and William Isdale will consider and address these issues. Their presentation is focussed on the legal position in Austraiia, but will discuss the relevance of some recent UK case law and whether it may be followed here.

The ethics and legality of conferring with another party’s expert

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    Contractual damages: what is the difference between expectation, reliance and restitutionary damages?

    Hon Justice Elisabeth Peden, Supreme Court of NSW

    Recorded at the NSW State Library in July, 2024

    In particular, the session will consider the recent High Court decision of Cessnock
    City Council v 123 259 932 Pty Ltd [2024] HCA 17 (decided on 8 May, 2024).

Contractual damages: what is the difference between expectation, reliance and restitutionary damages?

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    Cryptocurrency: a question of ‘property’

    The Hon Justice Ian Jackman, Federal Court of Australia
    Sarah Hill, 4 Selborne Chambers (Chair)

    Recorded at the NSW State Library during June, 2024

    Cryptocurrency has now been recognised as a kind of property in various common law jurisdictions, although the issue has not yet arisen in substantive proceedings in Australia, and much of the reasoning and commentary as to the particular nature of the property is open to question. This seminar examines that reasoning and seeks to demonstrate that longstanding High Court authority on the concept of 'property' should yield a clear answer in favour of the view that cryptocurrency is property, and as to the nature of that property.

Cryptocurrency: a question of ‘property’

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    Recent developments in the NSW Supreme Court Equity Division

    The Hon Justice Elisabeth Peden, Supreme Court of NSW
    Sarah Hill, 4 Selborne Chambers (Chair)

    Recorded at the NSW State Library duirng April, 2024

Recent developments in the NSW Supreme Court Equity Division

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    How does a Corporation think? Principles of corporate attribution in proving a company’s intentions.

    Hon Justice Anthony Payne,, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of NSW
    Sarah Hill, 4 Selborne Chambers (Chair)

    Recorrded at the NSW State Library during June, 2024.

How does a Corporation think? Principles of corporate attribution in proving a company’s intentions.

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    AI for legal professionals: opportunities, challenges and best practice (Rule 6.1.3: Professional skills)

    Susanna Kipping, Head of Legal Transformation, Herbert Smith Freehills

    Recorded at the NSW State Library in February, 2024. One MCPD point

AI for legal professionals: opportunities, challenges and best practice (Rule 6.1.3: Professional skills)

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    Discrimination and harassment in the legal workplace: the professional conduct consequences of lawyers behaving badly (Rule 6.1.2: Practice management and business skills)

    Liam Meagher, 6 St James Hall Chambers

    Recorded at the NSW State Library in February, 2024. One MCPD point

Discrimination and harassment in the legal workplace: the professional conduct consequences of lawyers behaving badly (Rule 6.1.2: Practice management and business skills)

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    Conflict and confidentiality: recent cases (Rule 6.1.1: Ethics and professional responsibility)

    Professor Gerard Ryan, University of Notre Dame Australia

    Recorded at the NSW State Library in February, 2024. One MCPD point

Conflict and confidentiality: recent cases (Rule 6.1.1: Ethics and professional responsibility)

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    Goldberger on Contract 2024

    Jeffery Goldberger, Special Counsel, Norton Rose Fulbright
    Hon Justice Fabian Gleeson, Supreme Court of NSW (Chair)

    Recorded at the NSW State Library in February, 2024

    The master class covers:

    • Contemporary issues in contract formation.

    • Economic duress: a comparative analysis of Australian and English law.

    • Jurisdictional issues in cross-border contract disputes: stay applications and anti-suit injunctions.

    • The proportionate liability defence to a claim for misleading and deceptive conduct under Federal legislation.

    • The incorporation of terms by reference.

Goldberger on Contract 2024

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    Class Actions: navigating the evolving risk landscape

    (Panel discussion)
    Jason Betts, Partner & Global Co-Head of Class Actions, Herbert Smith Freehills (Chair);
    Cameron Whittfield, Partner & Head of APAC Cyber Security, Herbert Smith Freehills; Clive
    Bowman, Global Chief Investment Officer, Omni Bridgeway; Rob Craig KC, Alinea
    Chambers, Melbourne; Emma Pelka-Caven, Head of Class Actions, Slater and Gordon
    Lawyers; Melissa Gladstone, Partner, Class Actions, Herbert Smith Freehills

    Recorded at the NSW State Library in October 2023

    An expert panel discussion over two sessions covering the commercial, regulatory and class
    action aspects of a hypothetical cyber incident inspired by recent high-profile cases. The
    panel will provide invaluable practical, hands-on guidance based on their extensive
    experience with such incidents. Key issues to be examined include:
    • Why the first 24 hours of a cyber incident are critical
    • Practical tips for engaging with regulators and stakeholders
    • Insights on cyber and shareholder class action risk from the plaintiff, defendant and
    litigation funding perspectives
    • Anatomy of large-scale cyber and shareholder class action claims
    • Lessons learned and war stories

Class Actions: navigating the evolving risk landscape

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    Navigating the digital threat landscape

    Cameron Whittfield, Partner & Head of APAC Cyber Security, Herbert Smith Freehills

    Recorded at the NSW State Library in October 2023 as part of the ‘Class Actions: navigating
    the evolving risk landscape’ half-day seminar
    As the digital threat landscape evolves and we contend with some of the most challenging
    geopolitical tensions in recent memory, corporate Australia continues to face-off against the
    scourge of cyber criminals. Companies dealing with a material cyber incident are required to
    make business-critical decisions in real-time, often with limited information and while
    contending (and often negotiating) with a sophisticated criminal enterprise. This a business
    challenge unlike any we’ve had to manage before and the way we respond will define us. The
    keynote address will take a closer look at the dark underworld of our cyber-criminal
    adversaries. We will take you ‘into the crisis room’ and step through the unique features of an
    extortion negotiation. We will also consider the myriad of legal issues that arise both during
    and after an attack and consider how basic cyber hygiene and cyber resilience can help
    mitigate the impacts.

Navigating the digital threat landscape

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00
    What is ChatGPT? How will it impact on legal practitioners?

    Professor John Swinson, University of Queensland; Stephen Foley, Founder & Managing Director, eBrief Ready; Sarah Hill, 4 Selborne Chambers

    The Forum was delivered via Zoom in September, 2023.

    The launch of ChatGPT has triggered pubic furore about what this type of technology means for the way in which any industry around the world operates.

    This Forum is an introductory guide for legal practitioners and will cover the following:

    • At a broad level, what is ChatGPT?
    • How do I create an account?
    • What are ChatGPT's possible applications for legal practitioners?
    • What are its limitations?
    • What are the risks/pitfalls of using ChatGPT in the legal industry?

What is ChatGPT? How will it impact on legal practitioners?

Member Price: 0.00
Non Member Price: $75.00